W1EMA Repeaters
147.27 MHz PL136.5 DMR 145.42 Color Code 12 TS2
147.165 MHz PL136.5 Belfast Local
WCARA is dedicated to promoting amateur radio to current and future generations. The club offers a limited number of incentive programs to individuals looking to obtain their amateur radio license which includes:
-2 meter handheld (HT) radio
-1 year WCARA club membership
Individuals wishing to participate in this program must announce their intentions of becoming an amateur radio operator and express their interest in this incentive program to a WCARA officer. Program can be redeemed once the individual has successfully completed the amateur radio license test and holds a certificate of completion or a valid amateur radio license.
Please contact a WCARA officer for more information
Apply for the License Incentive Program on lineHERE