- Ø7Ø Club –a club just for PSK31 enthusiasts
- Adventure Radio Society –they combine a love of Amateur Radio with a love of the outdoors
- Amateur Radio High Altitude Ballooning (ARHAB) –ham radio to the very edge of space
- Amateur Television Network –an organization of ATV clubs and individuals exploring internet video linking
- American Radio Relay League (ARRL) –the national organization for Amateur Radio
- AMSAT –the Radio Amateur satellite corporation
- Antique Wireless Association (AWA) –supporting historians, enthusiasts and collectors of antique radio equipment, including Amateur Radio gear
- Bicycle Mobile Hams of America (BMHA) –combining Amateur Radio and cycling, two fine pursuits
- Carolina 440 Repeater System –linked UHF repeater network from Raleigh to the coast
- Christian Amateur Radio Fellowship (CARF) –fellowship and service via ham radio since 1966
- Fists –the international Morse Code preservation society
- Foundation for Amateur Radio –scholarships for hams
- Handihams –ham radio for people with disabilities
- International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) –the federation of national Amateur Radio societies
- Islands On The Air (IOTA) –RSGB’s famous awards organization for QSOs with islands all around the world
- K-Link – Linking over 60% of Kansas
- Longwave Club of America (LWCA) –the world of radio below 500kHz
- Military Radio Collectors Association (MRCA) –for the green radio enthusiasts
- Morehead Planetarium and Science Center –informing and inspiring the public about scientific discovery
- Morse Telegraph Club –landline telegraphy is still alive and well
- Museum of Radio & Technology –in Huntington WV
- Narrow-Bandwidth Television Association –here’s what can be done with 32 lines and a spinning disk
- Navy Amateur Radio Club –open to current or former swabbies, coasties, and leathernecks
- Old Old Timers Club (OOTC) –for us really old geezers who were first licensed 40 years ago or more
- Piedmont Coastal Repeater Network(PCRN) –NC’s largest 2M repeater network
- QRP Amateur Radio Club International –five watts or less works the world
- Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) –for those of us who were first licensed 25 years ago or more
- Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) –another way you can become a VE
- Radio Club of America — operating since 1909
- Radio and Television Museum –in Bowie MD
- Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) –founded in 1913
- Raleigh Amateur Radio Society (RARS) –a capital organization in several senses of the word
- Radio Station Index from S-Meter
- Sam’s Radio Hams – by K6BWZ
- SETI League –are we alone?
- Society for the Preservation of Amateur Radio –free membership, dedicated to promoting technical achievement
- Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) –the ultimate in DX! (sorry, no QSLs…)
- Southern Appalachian Radio Museum –in Asheville NC
- Triangle Amateur Robotics –sophisticated, cutting edge automata
- Triangle ATV Association –they have a fast-scan Amateur Television repeater
- Triangle Electric Vehicle Association –watt a great way to travel
- Tri-County Radio Control Club –in Hurdle Mills NC
- TriLUG –Triangle Linux Users Group
- Tripoli Rocketry Association –serious high power rockets
- Tucson Amateur Packet Radio (TAPR) –do PSK31 without a computer?
- US Islands Awards Program –the home-based version to IOTA
- US Power Squadrons Amateur Radio Club –the ham radio group from USPS
- Western Historic Radio Museum –in Virginia City NV, gorgeous old stuff
- Xtal Set Society –devoted to “roots radio,” especially crystal sets
- Young Ladies Radio League YLRL) –an organization of women Amateur Radio licensees
If you found this site helpful and interesting, please return the favor by linking to the site so more people find more links in an easy to read page.
- 47 CFR Part 97.1 –the FCC’s official reasons for establishing the Amateur Radio Service
- The Amateur’s Code –first published in 1928 and still the standard of conduct we all should strive to meet
- K0WA’s Web Site — If you have been in the hobby for years and don’t know Lee, you do not know CW. Lee is a truly unique individual.
DX’ing, Contesting, Operating, Awards
Software/Digital Resources
Antenna / Tower / Rotor Vendors
- Alinco –calling themselves the value leader in Amateur Radio equipment
- Allied Electronics –still at 100 N Western Ave, Chicago, after all these years
- Amazon Amateur Radio Gear –ham radio equipment from
- Anderson Power Products –makers of the Powerpole Connector
- Antique Electronic Supply –tubes and more
- Bencher, Inc –high quality iambic paddles and Butternut antennas and filters
- Buddipole –portable dipole systems
- Cable X-Perts –coax cable, connectors, etc
- dBj Radio and Electronics –home boys from Jamestown NC
- Down East Microwave –equipment for UHF and beyond
- DZ Kits –home of the Sienna transceiver
- Elecraft –makers of the famous K1, K2 and K3 transceivers
- Electronics USA –makers of Whiterook keys and keyers
- Fair Radio Sales –military surplus since 1947
- FAR Circuits –PC boards for most published ham radio projects
- Gap Antenna –home of antennas and the “Hear It” DSP products
- Harbor Freight –“America’s favorite tool store”
- Hendricks QRP Kits –affordable QRP kits at exceptional value
- ICOM – maker of the highly popular IC-706
- K1EL Kits –kits for Morse keyers and more
- KD1JV Designs –innovative QRP kits and projects
- Kenwood –some solid radios, from the 1970’s TS-520 to today’s TS-2000
- MFJ –tuners, antenna analyzers, etc
- MoeTronix –home of the DVDongle
- Morse Express –fine keys from all over the world
- Northern Tool & Equipment –where warriors prepare for battle
- Oak Hills Research –QRP kits (great wattmeter and dummy load kits)
- Ocean State Electronics –components, kits, hardware and tools, etc.
- Paddlette –paddles for portable Morse operation
- PolyPhaser –lightning protection for the shack by people who know what they’re talking about
- QRPme –transmitters and receivers you build using tuna cans as chassis
- Radio Shack — small parts availability
- Ramsey Electronics –both fun and serious kits and supplies
- The SignMan of Baton Rouge –custom monogramming from Rick N5VA
- Small Wonder Labs –nifty single board PSK transceiver kits
- SteppIR –antennas that tune themselves
- Tarheel Antennas –local home of the screwdriver antenna
- Ten-Tec –high quality radio equipment made in USA
- Tigertronics –home of SignaLink digital interface products and more
- Ventenna –VHF and UHF antennas disguised as pvc vent pipes
- Vibroplex –over a hundred years of quality Morse code keys and bugs, now owned by W4OA
- VIZ Keys –quality Morse keys and bugs by K4VIZ
- Weather Vane Antenna –functional weather vanes that are stealth VHF and UHF antennas
- West Mountain Radio –home of the RIGblaster
- Wilderness Radio –home of the Wilderness Sierra transceiver kit and others
- The Wireman –supplier of wire, coax, connectors, etc
- Yaesu –maker of the FT (“Fox-Tango”) line of radio
Online Code Theory and Practice
Amateur Radio Exam Practice:
Contesting / Logging Software
Useful Computer Stuff 2014
- Apache Open Office — free alternative to MS Office as you now only get the application for a year or per-processor.
- Avast — Free and paid anti-virus program by ALWIL Software. This web designer uses Avast.. Protects Macs and those using XP and newer.
- CCleaner — free “crap cleaning” software removes temporary files, cookies, etc.
- CDBurnerXP — burn CDs and DVDs including BluRay and HD-DVD for free.
- Comodo Chromodo – Chrome without the Goo from the Chromium open source project.
- Comodo Ice Dragon — A faster, more secure version of Firefox. Secure DNS which is lite and fast.
- Craigslist — This site is should be used with caution
- doPDF — free program that creates PDFs from your documents. Print when needed. Saves paper.
- Earth Alerts — monitor “Mother Earth” as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, tropical cyclones, wildfires, landslides, severe weather, local weather, etc. happen. Needs a lot of RAM!
- Eraser — free program to erase files or even an entire hard drive
- ExpressPCB — design your own PCBs with this free layout software
- GreenPrint — free software to save those wasted sheets of printer paper that only have one line on them
- HDD Health — free software to warn you if your hard drive’s fixin’ to die
- HDMI Splitter — HDMI splitter to multiple sources
- HTTPS Everywhere — Many sites have shifted to sending you to https links. EFF is the official start of HTTPS Everywhere after the initial Snowden revelations of US citizen snooping by the NSA.
- Kim Komando –“America’s digital goddess” is an excellent source for free software and valuable tips
- LinPSK — free PSK-31 software for Linux
- Mozilla Palemoon 32-bit — A lightweight browser with the same features as Firefox. Also available for x64 systems
- Multimon — run up to three monitors on your computer with different taskbars on each with this free software
- Nitro PDF Reader — Don’t let the name fool you! Mark-up and fill in PDF forms with this loaded software. Version 3+ available for Windows x86 and x64 opens and fills in Acrobat Reader files!
- PortableApps — work from any Windows computer with these applications you carry with you on a flash drive
- Privacy Badger – Another must-have from the people at EFF, an add-on for every web browser to block cookies and ads
- Protonmail – Free and paid e-mail account with end-to-end encryption. Two-factor authentication [ 2FA ] for your safety. Hosted in Switzerland. Free from EU and US law.
- QuadLock Unit Converter — instantly convert between different units of measurement
- Reactor Server — run your own web portal with this free Apache distro
- Recuva — prounounced “recover,” this free software recovers deleted files
- Snapfiles — One of the largest link collections of free and shareware software updated today without the download gimmicks. I will point you to the free stuff, you can switch to shareware.
- Stellarium — view celestial objects in your sky on this awesome, free planetarium program.
- Thunderbird — The Mozilla supported e-mail client that is also the only free client that you can add encryption. Other options are dis-posable e-mail accounts.
- Tor — You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.
- TrueCrypt — free on-the-fly encryption software for Windows, Mac and Linux
- Ubuntu Linux — free Linux distro (based upon Debian) to start you opening doors instead of going through Windows
- U-Exchange — barter/trade site that’s free to use
- Ultimate Guide to Online Privacy – vpnMentor A blog dedicated to educating the casual netizen to all things for personal security
- WebAnywhere — free software for the visually impaired that reads websites to you
- Zelscope — turn your PC into a dual-trace ‘scope with this free-for-individual-use software
Vintage QSL Card Collection